Friday, August 22, 2008

Willkommen Familie!

Howdy folks! Well, as mine is the first post, I suppose I should get props for that. Which is nice, considering that I could really use some. Expatiation: at the moment I am annihilating my brain cells with the German course I have to finish in 1.5 weeks. So basically, that's my current life. I've been home from Israel for 2 weeks already! Unbelievable. I begin regular coursework at BYU on September 2. Well that's all for me, folks. Now it's your turn! Everyone would love to hear what everyone is up to. Let's blog!


abechap024 said...

Wow! I didn't know you are learning german, you should come serve tables in page! LOL every other table can't speak a lick of english! German French Italian! The Euro! fun fun!

KAM Chapman said...

Great idea Angie! Like Abe, I have never posted to a blog before. This will be a fun way to keep in touch with our myriad of activities!
